All posts from 2020

Home Thoughts & Trends for 2021

by Bevony on 30 December 2020 Comments Off on Home Thoughts & Trends for 2021
Image by Anja?#helpinghands #solidarity#stays healthy? from Pixabay

We had a very rough year in 2020. As we look to 2021 we are entering a new year with COVID-19. Vaccines are now available, but right away a new strain of the virus emerged. Our future is very unpredictable. Our new normal is sanitizing, mask-wearing, and social distancing. What we do know is that COVID-19 will have a long-lasting effect on how we design our houses, neighborhoods, and cities. 

Previous Pandemics/Epidemics and House Design 

If we think of the tuberculosis epidemic in the 19th and 20th centuries. In a time before antibiotics, people started spending more time outside. This was because the best known cure was fresh air and sunlight. Designers introduced sleeping porches on the upper floors of Victorian style houses so people could get fresher air and sunlight. This is no longer seen in our current homes, but we do have decks and balconies. 

The flu pandemic of 1918 introduced “powder rooms” into houses so that guests would not have to use the main bathrooms. This was also a time of transformation for the main bathrooms. White toilet seats replaced wooden ones and more built-in bathtubs and white tiles replaced those of the previous era. All this was done to minimize the spread of germs.

Le Corbusier, a French-Swiss architect, urged residents to get rid of clutter. He urged people to get rid of heavy furniture, and carpets. This while urging them to keep their walls and floors clear to eliminate dark and dirty corners. 

Design Before the COVID-19 Pandemic

Before the onset of COVID-19, several developments in the Metro Vancouver area offered clean white interiors and exteriors. When we look at single-family homes, on the other hand, they are designed for another era. 

Many people have started to work from home and so homeowners are revamping their homes to include dedicated office space. Now we are seeing the need for more dedicated office spaces that are quieter and away from your family. Because these types of set-ups are more conducive to work. A separate home office is the most ideal scenario, but smaller apartments will prove difficult to make this a reality. The aim would then be to modify the layout of a living room to offer a space for work. 

Image by Alexandra_Koch from Pixabay

Previous epidemics and pandemics have transformed our built environments. The Cholera pandemic of the 19th century caused urban parks around the world to incorporate tree-lined boulevards. Central Park was created in the 1850s by the New York City’s Board of Health. This was the first public park in the United States. 

Vancouver Changes

Years ago Vancouver established a requirement for 2.75 acres of park space for every 1,000 residents. This seems to be forgotten, but we expect in the coming year that many municipalities will start to create more public open spaces, plazas, and parks. 

We may see road space reallocated to allow for wider footpaths which would reduce driving lanes for vehicular traffic. Like major European cities, we may even find some streets converted into pedestrian zones. 

Historical data shows that with the increases in the prices of lower mainland homes, commuting times have also increased. For potential homeowners to find something they can afford they would have to drive further. 

We find many households moving away from the lower mainland to Pemberton and Squamish which are smaller communities. We even see households moving away from Victoria on Vancouver Island.  

The use of video conferencing tools has increased during the pandemic. As such, more and more families are realizing there is no need for them to live physically close to their jobs. We expect in the coming years to see many communities’ housing prices become more affordable. 

COVID-19 and Urban Density

There are questions about how COVID-19 will affect urban density and apartment living. We think many residents will prefer to opt for ground housing over apartments that are accessed by elevators. But these high-density developments won’t become obsolete in the near or distant future.  

There is talk about “the 15-minute city”. This refers to living in an area where residents can get to work, leisure activities, and shopping whether by walk or a short bike ride. 

2020 was an awful year for many of us. But happily the pandemic has changed our focus. Now we all want healthier homes and communities in 2021 and beyond. 

On a positive note, the team here at Silver Beam wishes you a Happy New Year and a Prosperous 2021. 

Image by monicore from Pixabay
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BevonyHome Thoughts & Trends for 2021

Detached Home Sales Up from Outside Markets

by Bevony on 16 December 2020 Comments Off on Detached Home Sales Up from Outside Markets
Sale, Sold, Hand, Signature, House, Purchase
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

The BC real estate market has seen a lot of momentum lately, but we are seeing that these sales are coming from outside of Vancouver. Most of the demand is coming from the Okanagan and the Fraser Valley. Buyers are looking more and more for detached homes and Vancouver has them to offer. 

Around this time of year we would be seeing a seasonal slowing but not this year. The sale of detached homes has been on the rise for the past couple months. With more people working from home and staying at home, people need more space for offices and in their yards. 

How Much Did the Sales Rise for November 2020?

Growth, Increase, Volume, Sales, Business, Suit
Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

MLS’s service posted a 42% increase over November 2019 with the highest recorded home sales coming in at 2,173. This is the highest the Fraser Valley Real Estate Board has recorded for almost a century!

The Okanagan saw a rise of 74% in home sales including the Shuswap and Central North. The Metro Vancouver area saw a modest increase of around 23%. Land seems to be the premium with buyers looking to get more land in the entry level price ranges. 

What House Prices Are Looking Like

In Abbotsford, detached homes are priced above $620,000 on average. Buyers seem to be looking for older homes that may be later rebuilt. A Lot of properties are getting multiple offers as a bit of a frenzy seemingly ensues. 

There’s not as much demand for luxury homes  with Fraser Valley townhouse sales rising about just 51% with apartment sales on a slow rise of 15% over sales in November 2019. The highest demand in Fraser VAlley is being seen for properties that are less expensive and that have more land.  

Many realtors find themselves going back to listing strategies and procedures used in 2016 and 2017. They are listing the home and making a set time and date for multiple offers. This is due to the specificity in the demand. So listings are dwindling but buyer demand is still there. The demand is being fueled by historically low interest rates as well. 

What About the Condo Market?

The condo market on the other hand is going the other way. There are lots of condos listed with more than 2000 for sale in Metro Vancouver for the month of November. It is expected that once the economy settles and people return to their in person classes and in office jobs, buyers and investors will return for the condos. 

Are you in the market for a detached home but can’t seem to find one? Let us help you. Here, at Silver Beam Homes, custom homes are our specialty. Let us know what your needs are, and we can provide you with just what fulfills them better than any home already on the market for sale. Contact us today.

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BevonyDetached Home Sales Up from Outside Markets

Tips to Knock out The Holiday Blues This Holiday Season

by Bevony on 12 December 2020 Comments Off on Tips to Knock out The Holiday Blues This Holiday Season

2020 has been a year that has filled us with fear, anxiety and grief. For most of us, the holiday season is not one to look forward to. We have lost loved ones, lost income and are being restricted from traveling and having large gatherings. With social distancing rules all across the globe, many will not get to have that intimate time they would usually have with their loved ones as they would normally. 

As our American neighbors brace for an increase in COVID-19 cases, it is expected to be a dark winter. The Gallup 2020 Global Emotions Report shows that Mericans are sadder than they have been in previous years, with 27% of participants reporting that they experienced a lot of sadness the day before participating in the survey. Even mental health and other “happiness” experts are struggling with their emotions, said Neil Pasricha of The Institute for Global Happiness in Toronto. The consensus is that everybody is feeling this way. 

Holiday blues are not new, but this year we combine the coronavirus crisis and all its related stress with the seasonal affective disorder that typical surfaces during the season and what you have is a bad combination for those at risk for mental health problems. But here are a couple things you can do to help yourself feel less anxious, to boost your mood and to feel happier this holiday season. 

Two Minute Morning

Begin every morning by indicating the things you will let go of. 

Today I will let go of ….”  You can list as many things as you want to let go for the day and your list can be the same every day or it may change as your circumstances change. 

Today I am grateful for….” think of all the things, people, places and events that you can be thankful for. It can be the little things, your dog, your child, your spouse, your coffee maker, your favorite socks. Whatever it is that you are thankful for, be specific about it, specify the name of your spouse etc and you can even go as far as listing why you are thankful for them.   

Right now, I will focus on…” think of that one task on your to do list that has been sitting there for a while and focus on getting that one done before the others today. The feeling of accomplishment you experience will give you a rush of feel good chemicals and your blues will be lifted. 

Do Some Yoga

Yoga can help you to feel better as it helps you to feel more centered. The great thing is that you can find a lot of free videos online so you don’t have to pay for anything and you don’t have to leave the comfort and safety of your home. 

Make a List

Make a list of all the things you need to get done for the day or the week. As you go through and complete these tasks, cross each one off. This will help to keep you focused and accomplishing these small tasks will boost your body’s release of feel good hormones that can help boost your mood. 

Go Outside Safely

Nature is a great healer, spending a little time in nature every day that can boost your physical well-being and your mental wellbeing. With a visit outside you can increase your happiness, reduce your stress and strengthen your immune system. You can spend some time in your backyard if you have one or take a walk in your neighborhood  or in a park if there is one nearby. While outside, ensure you are practicing social distancing to keep yourself safe. 

What are some of the things you do to boost your mood and relieve stress? Please share, your comment could be helpful for someone.  

OV. 19, 202005:16

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BevonyTips to Knock out The Holiday Blues This Holiday Season

Tips for Gathering Safely This Holiday Season

by Bevony on 2 December 2020 Comments Off on Tips for Gathering Safely This Holiday Season

For many, this will be the first holiday in a long time that they will have no in person gathering or just a very small one.  This can be hard especially if you moved into your own home this year and were really looking forward to hosting. To limit your risk of infection and protect your family and friends you have put together this piece with some tips for gathering safely this holiday season. 

There are a number of steps you can take to protect yourself and your guests at an in person gathering this holiday. We’ll break them down for you. 

Pre-Celebratory Tips

Try to minimize the number of invitees as much as possible. For those that you do invite, you will need to provide them with some guidelines and restrict unwanted guests. So for example, if you are inviting your sister and she is having her in-laws over for the holidays you may want to respectfully decline having her in-laws over. Especially if they had to travel via public transportation (plane, train or bus) to get there. 

Provide your guests with a list of supplies that they should bring to the event to promote safety. You will also want to have some of these items on hand as well just in case anyone greets. Think items like: 

  • Disposable masks
  • Hand sanitizers
  • Sanitizing Wipes
  • Pouch for storing masks between use

During Your Celebration

You will want to ensure you and your guests are following safety guidelines for the COVID-19 virus as much as possible. Keep the following in mind: 

  • Safe Distancing – While it may be impossible to follow the 6 feet rule you can try to avoid, as best as possible, close contact with your guests and among guests. Have multiple options for seating arrangements so you don’t have to all be gathered around the table.  You can possibly rent tables and move some of your furniture to accommodate spacing around the tables. 

If there is not adequate space, encourage persons to not sing, or talk loudly. 

  • Clear the way to high traffic areas – you may want to move out any furniture that may be in the way enroute to the restroom so it is easy for persons to get around without bumping into each other. 
  • Encourage your guests to keep their masks on when they are not actively eating or drinking. 
  • Have hand sanitizer stations to encourage proper hygiene. Ensure you provide single use towels in your bathrooms and kitchen for the event. 
  • Limit persons in the area where the food is being prepared or served. If possible you can ask your guests to prepare and bring food for their group. This way you can greatly reduce the risk of contamination through food.

Try not to offer self serve options and instead have one person sharing each food item. Each server should of course be wearing a mask and food safe gloves. 

  • Opt for disposable plates, cups and utensils instead of reusable ones.
  • Disinfect commonly touched surfaces often and as much as possible between each use. Always wear disposable gloves and toss these after each use. 
  • Don’t allow your pet to interact with anyone outside of the household. 

Post Celebration Tips

AFter the event, take extra precautions for the first 14 days following the event date. If you can quarantine entirely for that time, do so. If not, stay home as much as possible for you and your family members. Get a COVID-19 test and stay home while you wait on the results of the test. 

If you develop COVID-19 symptoms or if you test positive for the virus you should immediately inform your guests, so they can get tested and isolated to reduce the spread of the virus. 

The 2020 holidays will be different from every year before it. If you feel you must have a gathering for your mental health, do it safely. Use the tips above to help minimize the risk of spreading the virus. Stay safe this holiday season, and well wishes from the SilverBeam Homes Family. 

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BevonyTips for Gathering Safely This Holiday Season

Hygge Your Home for the Holidays

by Bevony on 25 November 2020 Comments Off on Hygge Your Home for the Holidays
Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay

Hygge is a Scandinavian principle that helps you to create a warm, welcoming atmosphere perfect for the cold weather months. 

We have shifted our wardrobes and our eating habits, so why not shift the way we decorate and interact with each other in the home. Think Hygge, think neutral materials like natural wood, wool, linen, cotton etc. 

A Touch of Gold

You can transform your bedroom into a retreat without spending a lot, even without spending anything. By simply changing around some of your decor items you can create a different look and feel in your home. All you are trying to do is really to create an ambience of cosiness and comfort. 

Gold will bring in warmth into the space and of course it’s a nice accent color to your Christmas decor. This will also bring in hints of joy and happiness and is sure to have you and your family feeling the spirit of the holiday. 

Comfy Bedding 

Choose bedding that is made from wool, linen or cotton. You can add contrasting texture with the use of a toss cushion which can also bring in elements of warmth and comfort into the room. Choosing a colored cushion or accent pillow can add a punch of color to bring a joy boost. 

Layering your bedding is a great way to style your bed. Your pillows and duvet give your bed an extra element of softness. When you bring out more out of them than just their functional role you can establish a sense of well-being never felt before in your bedroom. 

Layer Art

Layering art can easily contribute the feeling of a cosy retreat to your home. Layering art doesn’t mean multiple parties on your walls but you can have the art picked up in other decor items. For instance, in your bedroom you could choose a sham covering that has a pattern that can be visually appreciated as a form of art. Pick up a color from a piece of art that you may have on the wall to create a cohesive look. 

5 Easy Ways to Hygge

Here are 5 straightforward tips for introducing hygge into your bedroom. 

  1. Grab a cozy blanket or throw. 
  2. Use natural fabrics like wool, linen or cotton. 
  3. Incorporate texture with art, soft furnishings or wall hangings.
  4. Add a pop of color – just enough to make you smile. 
  5. Layer functional and decorative pieces to achieve balance.  

How do you decorate for the holidays?

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BevonyHygge Your Home for the Holidays

The Important Stuff for Holiday Season 2020

by Bevony on 19 November 2020 Comments Off on The Important Stuff for Holiday Season 2020

This year we have talked about many important issues. For many of us, these conversations were not ones we had much choice in. With the holiday season right around the corner, many people are reflecting on what this year’s Christmas will be like. What it will look like for themselves as well as their families. One particular charity event is taking a look at children. Looking at those living in unsafe homes and also those struggling with issues related to mental health. 

Home for the Holidays has been in operation for 16 years. For this event floral artists and interior designers give their expertise and time to decorate some of Vancouver’s more beautiful homes. The homeowners allow tour goers to visit their homes over the weekend and all ticket proceeds go to the Kids Help Phone

Kids Help Phone is the only 24/7 free counseling service in Canada. They offer help via text in Arabic, French and of course English. The help service shares statistics from their calls this year and it showed 3.7 million young people had reached out. This is an increase of 112% over 2019. 

Amounts of calls started to increase because of the COVID-19 pandemic and the calls are from kids reporting:

  • Grief 
  • Isolation 
  • Eating issues
  • Body image issues
  • Anxiety issues
  • Emotional abuse
  • Physical abuse
  • Sexual abuse

Home for the Holidays 2020

This year, Home for the Holidays will be held virtually on November 28 and 29. Tour goers will contribute $35 and get the opportunity to see five beautiful Vancouver homes that have been professionally decorated for the holidays. The event will be hosted by Krissy Vann from CTV and Anicka Quin from th Western Living Magazine. 

East Vancouver Home and Designer 

Karla Dreyer, interior designer from Vancouver was drawn to take part in the Homes for the Holidays event this year because of the involvement in Kids Help Phone services. She notes that she has daughters of her own and so feels like she needs to support children that do not have a loving home, or loving parents. 

Her task was to decorate a home in East Vancouver. She notes the home was decorated in a mix of family fun and traditional style, also some formal styles thrown in as well. She notes how she used various small animal ornaments to decorate the home to include tiny bears, felt mice and more. 

This holiday season we can all have your surroundings looking and feeling festive. Now more than ever you should do that Christmas Tree. She believes that design has a big impact on wellbeing. For instance, even a small tree on a stool, and even a simple wreath on your door as well as a splash of lights. These are the little things that can make a difference in how you are feeling. 

West Vancouver Home and Designer 

Gaile Guevara of the Gaile Guevara Studio was selected to decorate a property with a modern British flair. She is known for designing with a focus on sustainable practices. For instance, her studio has the aim of being a zero footprint studio by 2025. We can see this in the approach she took in decorating the house she was given in West Vancouver. 

Guevara began her task by looking through the homeowner’s inventory. She was happy about their red feature wall. She took the decision to focus on dehydrated flora. Because, as she notes, they are good for the planet and are “super hip”. Gaile found flowers and plants from the neighborhood and the homeowner’s garden and these were dehydrated over one month. 

As a result, the front door got a beautiful hanging made from eucalyptus, allowing her to incorporate its scent and the theme of health and wellness.  She also created an Icelandic library of books which is a reference to the homeowner’s origins.  She also sourced items from Barter Design and Provide Home to ensure she was using items designed and manufactured in Canada. 

Guevara notes this holiday season is also one where we all have something to reflect on. For many people 2020 gives more details to reflect on than any other season. 

What are your plans for this holiday season? Will you be decorating also or not? 

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BevonyThe Important Stuff for Holiday Season 2020

Silver Beam Homes – Our Value Proposition

by Bevony on 12 November 2020 Comments Off on Silver Beam Homes – Our Value Proposition

How much house can you afford in the current housing climate because more than ever people need stability and nothing is more stable than owning your own home. Do you even know what housing options are going for in terms of price? If you are wondering about these things, it is likely because you are ready to take the next step to being a homeowner. If you are ready for that, then you are also ready to explore your options. Let’s explore a newly sold housing option in Vancouver, its costs and what it has to offer to you as a homeowner.

Fairview Town Home

This development features 25 units with an internal courtyard. It was designed and developed by Michael Green Arhitecture in 2014. Most recently sold out of the development was a two bedroom unit which sold for $1,288,000.00.

The development can be found on Vancouver’s West 6th avenue. It is built with a very distinctive look with its modern row of townhomes. On the inside you will find that the townhomes features three levels with an open-plan living space complete with a sleek kitchen.

On the top floor you will find the master bedroom alongside a Den that measures 14 by 7 feet. The second bedroom can be found on the lowest level next to a flex room and an office.

Pets and rentals are allowed, but a purchase of one of these units coms with a monthly maintenance fee of $601.94 cents. What could you do with that money per month?

Our Value Proposition

vancouver luxury home builders

Here at SilverBeam homes we specialize in creating the home of your dreams. We are professionals in our field and have been featured on Houzz. We can help you at every step of the way. You will get a design build process so you can get a custom home project build specifically to meet your needs and the needs of your family. Here at SilverBeam Homes, we have a full staff complement to cover your project at every step of the way. Where we don’t have members on staff here we have a network of supporting professionals who we can reach out to at a moment’s notice. So we really have every aspect of your project covered.

Our team is known for its versatility as well as the wide cross section of professionals we offer. This ensures you are covered to ensure your custom construction is done successfully while also meeting all your needs under one roof.

Ready to build from the ground up? Ready to make your dream house your reality? So what’s your next step? If you answered yes to the above questions, it is because you are ready to go. And guess what? We are also ready, ready to help. Now you can check out answers to our frequently asked questions. Contact us today for a free estimate. You will not regret it!

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BevonySilver Beam Homes – Our Value Proposition

Personalize Your Next Home

by Bevony on 4 November 2020 Comments Off on Personalize Your Next Home

Personalization is key when it comes to making your new house feel like a home. When you purchase a new detached home or a “move up” home, your must have list will be very different from a first time home buyer or someone purchasing a new condo. 

When you have already developed an idea of what you like you can make the best decisions for your new home. You can make your home a reflection of you and what matters the most to yourself. Design is big business nowadays. Those who know exactly what they want will want to work with a builder who will allow them a custom building plan. That’s what we do here at SilverBeam Homes. We work with your dreams and your budget. 

The SilverBeam Way

When you are deciding on the next home, the dream home, the one for the rest of your life you are allowed to be very particular. No matter how unusual you think your idea or request may be, let us know what it is. You need a home gym? Do you need dedicated office space for the new normal? Do you need extra electrical outlets? Want to customize your fireplace or your kitchen, we can help you with that. 

What are the custom features that you need for your new home? Let us know in the comments below. Give us a call, so we can get started working with you to make that dream a reality. The sooner the better! We are waiting to hear from you. 

We have the skilled team you need to do everything. Our Design-Build Process encompasses everything from designing, permit approvals, building and more. Don’t have financing? We can put you on to one of our partners to assist with that. We can offer you help for every step of the way. 

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BevonyPersonalize Your Next Home

Preparing Your Home For Another Canadian Winter

by Bevony on 28 October 2020 Comments Off on Preparing Your Home For Another Canadian Winter

Regardless of the pandemic, you still have a bunch of things left on your to-do list for your home and yard. Canadians know how to withstand winter and can even flourish in those long cold months. But in order to do that we have to prepare for the season and ensure we are ready for its fierceness. While the government does their preparation for the winter, let’s help you get through your list and if you don’t have a list, use the one below. 

Seal Your Windows and Doors

If you are already feeling a draft by your windows or doors this is not a good thing. In the winter you want to keep all that cold air outside and keep your warm air inside. You should also check around your vents as well. If you find cracks in the caulking you will want to replace that. Opt for rubber caulking as this is the most weather resistant option and it is best at mimicking natural contraction and expansion that is caused by temperature changes. Check the weather, stripping around your doors and well and replace this if necessary. 

Insulate the Attic

Heat rises and so your attic will be the last line of defense against heat loss. You want to ensure that the insulation in your attic is at least 12 inches thick and properly layered. You will want to ideally have a vapor barrier as well. In the end you want your attic to be the same temperature as outside and without adequate sealing and insulation you may find the cold seeping back inside causing your heat costs to raise. 

Drain Hoses

Your watering days are going to be over for a while, so shut off your pipes and drain all your hoses. You also want to ensure that your sprinkler systems are drained and your taps are capped. Ensure you do this before the temperature falls below freezing, so you don’t end up with any frozen accumulation. You also want to drain your eaves of any water and make sure there are no leaves causing residual water backup after the fall. 

Bring In Window AC Units

Bring all your window units inside – we are pretty sure this is a no-brainer. 

Swab Your Deck

Store your patio furniture or cover them up. Bring in planters and pots that may crack in the cold or that have plants that will thrive inside. Once everything is put away or covered, you can clean the deck to ward off mildew and mold. If necessary, also reseal the deck if necessary. 

Trim the Trees – Not the Christmas Tree

Ice covered branches can look pretty, but they are not safe. So trim those trees before the snow, frost and ice starts. 

Tune Your Furnace

Clean your furnace to ensure it is working properly before the weather gets too cold. You may need to change the filter as well. Check on all ducts and vents to ensure that you will be experiencing a free flow of warm air when you need it the most. You may also want to have your chimney or fireplace inspected, especially if you haven’t done so in a while. 

Stock Up on Supplies

Do you need any supplies to manage the snow? Check on the condition of your shovels and get salt. You will want these to be available and easily accessible when the snow comes along. Now is the time to also have an emergency kit of perishables put together as well. This kit should include:

  • Non-perishable food items
  • Candles
  • Blankets
  • Drinking water (approx 2 liters per adult per day)
  • Matches
  • A battery powered radio
  • Flashlights 
  • Batteries

Are you ready for the winter season of 2020? Is your house ready for all the other seasons. Here at SilverBeam Homes we can help you with all your buying and selling needs. We can also give you great advice on maintenance and put you onto our team of preferred professionals. Contact us today!

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BevonyPreparing Your Home For Another Canadian Winter

Safety Protocols for Buying or Selling a Home During the COVID-19 Pandemic

by Bevony on 21 October 2020 Comments Off on Safety Protocols for Buying or Selling a Home During the COVID-19 Pandemic
House Keys, Key, Security, Door Key, Close, Castle

The metro Vancouver area has seen a rebound in home sales. This, after the lockdown due to COVID 19 in the spring. COVID-19 has brought about a number of changes when it comes to the process of buying and selling homes. 

The rebound in home sales is due in part to lower interest rates. Buyers seeking stability, or those with housing needs changing, are looking for homes. And they are happy to find these lower rates which give them an incentive to buy before they had initially planned for. And that’s a good thing, but what formalities have changed when it comes to buying and selling? 

Open Houses Are Few and Far In Between

Dropping by on Open Houses is a thing of the past. There are options for virtual tours or walk through’s and these help to eliminate potential buyers that are more on the fence. This is advantageous to the realtor or seller too. 

These virtual tours are now as important and even more important than pictures. Homeowners can get an accurate look at the home from their screens and this also moves most of the paperwork online. 

  1. Waiver Forms now feature a series of questions that are related to COVID. BCREA guidelines allow a realtor the option to refuse entry to or to reschedule if either a tenant or seller or anybody working on their behalf is showing symptoms. 
  2. The BCREA mandates strata for condominium properties to clean high touch point common areas such as elevator buttons. Realtors are required to confirm with sellers to find out if common spaces have been disinfected. Realtors are also required to communicate to the buyer whatever safety protocols are their responsibility. 
  3. Prospective buyers must wear a mask and sanitize their hands. The wearing of gloves is not mandatory, but they are recommended. Persons are asked not to touch anything as they tour the home but there are times when they forget the request. 
  4. Social distancing is a must. This is practiced by limiting the number of persons that are allowed into  the home at one time. The number of people allowed is limited by the size of the property. Typically, one household is taken in together. A household denotes people already living together. In bigger homes there may be the chance that two parties can view at a time and in such cases they are cautioned to maintain distance. 

Tips for Attending an Open House

If you still want that physical walk through that of an open house, make sure you are working with a realtor that you trust. You want to keep yourself as well as your family members safe. So you want to be certain you can trust that your Realtor is taking the proper precautions to keep you safe. 

To limit your time in an open house, try to find out all you can about a home before you view it. This way too many questions will arise as you notice things when going through the house. It is understandable that you will want to physically see a house as buying a home is a huge investment. 

Be sure you are taking the appropriate safety protocols and practices reducing your chances of catching the COVID-19. 

If you’d rather be safe than sorry, you can build your home from the ground up. And we can help you with that. Contact us today to see how we can make your dream of owning a home, a reality.  

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BevonySafety Protocols for Buying or Selling a Home During the COVID-19 Pandemic