Not everybody is living in doom and gloom during the pandemic. Many are seeing the opportunities where they are and are moving to go and grab them. That is why people are looking to Surrey, Squamish and Coquitlam for home ownership. This is because the permitting times are shorter here. So one can purchase and renovate a home which is cheaper than buying a new one and can get the necessary work done in less time.
How Do They Work So Fast on Renovating Shows?
How often do you watch home renovating shows? They can be really satisfying as you watch a property be transformed into a beautiful dwelling. But watching these shows and actually doing the process yourself are two different things. When it comes to the permitting process there are headaches and hiccups to be had. Even the pros on the shows have to submit like the rest of us but you just don’t see that part of the process.
Waiting for Permits in Vancouver
Waiting for a building permit can take months. Often other things are filmed while they are waiting on the permits to be sorted. Also with multiple projects being worked on at the same time it is easier for them to provide the content without you seeing all the red tape they have to go through to get to the actual building and the actual transformation.
Vancouver has a significant permit waiting time with some straightforward renovations waiting for up to a year. While there are people that are willing to wait for years for their homes, not everyone is like this. A Lot of this wait time is believed to be due to a backlog of applications. Over the past twenty years, the city of Vancouver has seen a number of new renovations and new builds.
As professionals, we always warn our clients about the potential wait time when it comes to the permit process. We do all we can, so our clients are not stuck with a mortgage and house they can’t live in at the same time. But the reality is that this happens when you are not building your home from the ground up . So it would be a great idea for you to choose us to build your dream home.
What to Do if You Want to Renovate
If you are looking to renovate we recommend you choose a home in one of these areas. They are Surrey, Squamish or Coquitlam as these areas have a shorter wait time when it comes to processing permits. These areas also offer more affordable prices as well for potential homeowners.
We can help you make your dream of owning a home in Vancouver a reality. We are house builders for the Greater Vancouver and British Columbia areas. That home you have wanted with those specific design features does not have to elude you. Give us a call today, so we can set up consultations and show you how we can help make your dream a reality.
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