As a self-employed individual, you work hard. However, you may have already experienced hardships in obtaining credit, whether it is for a credit card, any type of loan or a mortgage. This is especially true if your business is new. Why? Because as a self-employed individual you won’t have a standard regular income that a regularly paid employee will have, some institutions will see you as a high risk. There are, however, institutions that have special lending programs just for you.

One example of this is a lending program that allows an eligible self-employed individual to qualify for mortgage financing. In such a case, they use what they call “reasonable stated income” to frame the terms of the loan. This is mainly because some self-employed people choose to reduce their personal income in an effort to grow their business or to be beneficial for tax purposes. Under this type of program, you will be able to access a mortgage that allows up to 65% financing of the purchase price. There is also the confirmed down payment that is necessary as well as a good credit rating. With the last two in place, you can own home as a self-employed individual.
Documents Necessary for Your Application
If you are self-employed, here are some documents you will need for your application for mortgage financing.
- T1 General
- NOA – Notice of Assessment
- Financial Statements for Your Business
- Articles of Incorporation
- Business License
- Business Credit Report
- GST/HST Return Summary
- Proof of Other Income if any
In addition to these documents, the mortgage specialist you deal with may ask you for other documents that may be unique to the type of business you offer.
Flexible Mortgage Options
Several entrepreneurs are opting for flexible mortgage options. There are a number of these available including the Homeline Plan from RBC. This is not the only place you can find this type of offering as most lenders have this type of mortgage product. These types of plans allow you to access both your personal and your business credit under one umbrella. If you opt for this you can even customize your mortgage financing and leverage the equity on your current home.
Our team of experts here you can find the financing you need if you choose us to be your custom home builders. Give us a call today and set up a consultation. Let’s show you how our team can help you make your dream a reality.
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