Having plants around will have a positive effect on your mood and your brain. They can help you to be more relaxed and to feel better. Walking into a house full of lush houseplants can take the edge off after a long and hard day. They call it Biophilia, according to Dr. Edward O Wilson. He theorizes that all humans want and seek connections with other life forms including nature. His definition of biophilia as “the urge to affiliate with other forms of life”.
We can all agree that bringing plants indoors brings a significant acoustic element. When you make use of plants such as moss that have natural textures the acoustics of the room are heavily impacted.

Some homeowners welcome plants and look forward to all the care and maintenance tasks that come along with them. There are others that like the idea of plants but don’t have the time or the interest to care for them. The latter will be happy to find that there is a new market of plants just for them. Enter the era of preserved plants. These plants have had their growth stopped. They are then treated with preservatives and color enhancers to keep them in tip-top condition. They won’t need sunlight or water so they are easy.
For those who want to care for their plants, many have a lot of trouble as they try to keep their plants alive. One of the biggest mistakes people tend to make is to overwater their plants. Then they forget to put the plants where they can get natural light which is equally as important as giving your plants adequate amounts of water. If you are worried about your plant getting too much of the sun’s rays you can easily place it at a window and leave a sheer curtain to take off some of the rays.
Caring For House Plants
Instead of following a watering schedule, you want to look at the soil your plant is in.
- If you have cacti or succulents you wait until the soil is completely dry then give it a good soaking and leave it alone.
- If you have classical tropical foliage you need to place them where they can get the right amount of light. You want to hold off watering until the soil is partially dry up to three inches down.
- For all other types of plants, you want the soil to be moisty evenly. Check the soil every day and only water when it feels dry.
With that said, you can add some houseplants to your space to bring it to life. Treat them well and enjoy their presence. If you are not sure if you will be able to care for your plants, try out one and see how it goes then you can commit to more plants for your home.
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