The British Columbia Home and Garden show was held from February 19 to 23, 2020. If you weren’t able to attend we have got you covered. We know that this winter weather has been unpleasant and we are all looking towards the change in seasons. The show gave attendees something to look forward to. There were lots of tips and ideas on how to spruce up your landscape.
The show was enjoyed by both attendees and presenters. All got the chance to check several horticultural boots sporting different themes. Some things you missed include;
- Professional landscapes
- Unique outdoor patio displays
- Innovative ideas on growing
- New and upcoming garden accessories
- New styles of greenhouses.
What the BC Home and Garden Show is All About

The show is not just about outdoor living, it incorporates indoor living as well. It showcases collections of products and trends that are interesting, upcoming and relevant. You find everything from new styles of kitchens to art, the latest in sleeping comfortably to innovations in food preparation. You even missed some newer, more environmentally friendly cooling and heating units as well as a range of fixtures that can help your family to be more efficient with your water usage.
Presentations You Missed
The show included several informative seminars as well. These included the following;
- On the 20th, there was a panel discussion on the Main stage at 6 pm. This was sponsored by the Homebuilders’ Association of Vancouver. Panelists included pros in the renovation and construction field and their topic was outdoor/indoor living with a major focus on outdoor living.
- Victory Gardens’, Lisa Firoday presented on eco landscaping with a focus on how to make the most of your usable land.
- Janis Matson from Shoreline Landscape Design did a presentation on “Drought Tolerant Gardening”. This provided useful information for when we get into the hot summer months and have water restrictions to contend with.
- Alex Augustyniak from West Coast Seeds discussed how we can grow foods all year in our Canadian Climate.
- Carissa Kasper from Seed and Nourish gave a presentation on “Seasons o Growth: The Future Garden”. She noted how changes in climates affect gardening practices and looked into the future of what gardens may look like a couple of years ahead.
- Reiner Van de Poll from the Van de Poll Garden Design company did a presentation on how to create a natural patio setting.
- Shelley Levis from Sow and Dipity presented on countertop gardens and the trends in this industry.
- Leanne Johnson from GardenWorks explained plant parenting in her presentation on indoor gardening and the millennial generation.
BC Home and Garden Feature: GROW!
This year’s BC Home and Garden Show had a new feature called “GROW!” the feature was an interactive and informative one. It covered how to plant as well as what, where and when to plant. The feature was brought on by West Coast Seeds.
Gardening was not a major part of the show but there was a very significant gardening presence at the show. Art’s Garden Market had a range of plants on sale so that attendees could go home with something in hand. There was also a booth by B.C Nursery and Landscape Association.
We hope you didn’t miss the 2020 BC Home and Garden Show, and if you did, we hope to see you there next year.
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