A lot has changed since the start of this pandemic. People have lost jobs, or are now working fewer hours. While many economies are reopening, there looms the need for further lockdowns. It is obvious that this pandemic is not going anywhere soon, and we now have to adapt our life as we know it to meet these needs.
While everybody’s situation is different, housing needs are changing for one reason or another. Some persons are finding their family counts reduced as they lose loved ones to the virus while others are seeing an increase as cohabitating becomes are a more affordable and feasible option. Whether you need to go up in the house or go down in the house we can help you.
How Can SilverBeam Homes Provide You with a Housing Solution?
Sell your old/current home to us and let us help you to construct a new home based on your specific needs. Here, at SilverBeam Homes, we are home builders, but in this crisis, we want to meet you more than halfway. We want to help you with everything from selling your current home. That way you can focus more on the things that need your attention, and we will get the work done for you.
What You Need to Know Before Buying or Selling a Home

Buying/Selling a home was always a huge undertaking. Imagine now doing both in a pandemic! Now more than ever, you have to make sure that you make a very wise choice. Are you currently at that place (between a rock and a hard place) considering the sale of your home and moving your family into a different home?
If your needs have changed, then you have a good enough reason to sell and repurchase or have us build you a new home. The advantage of building a new home is that you now will have the opportunity to have just what you and your family needs.
Why You May Need to Sell your Home
- Your current location has become unsuitable. If your job situation has changed and you now need to travel further for work, it may make sense to move. With many people having lost their jobs in the pandemic, we are now having to really become more flexible and that may mean taking a job that is further away. If you are the sole breadwinner, moving closer to cut commute time could help you better manage your finances.
- Your household as shrunk or grown. Your current house may become too expensive to maintain in the event of a loss. Or maybe your extended family will now need to come live with you or vice versa. Either way, if your space needs have changed, then you will benefit from purchasing a new home.
- Leave sad memories behind. If you lost a family member during the pandemic, even if your space needs haven’t changed, you may want to leave the bad memories behind. If you are financially able to make the move, then selling your current home and moving into a new one may not be a bad idea.
Real Estate and “Subject To” Clauses

“Subject To” clauses in contract negotiation are your safety hatch. They allow you a means of escaping a contract in the event that anything goes wrong. You can find a list of clauses from The Real Estate Council of British Columbia’s website. The most common clauses you may come across are;
- Subject to Financing
This type of clause limits your ability to negotiate. The buyer cannot remove this clause at the offer/counteroffer phase. It means the buyer needs a mortgage, so they are making the offer with the hope that they will receive the necessary financing to be able to purchase your home.
- Subject to Inspection
This clause can be easily negotiated since an inspection takes on average three days to arrange. If you want to get your house sold faster you can ensure that the inspection is completed a lot quicker so the buyer knows exactly what they are getting into. You can even have the inspection done and report ready if a buyer requests it.
- Subject to Sale
This clause gives your buyers a particular amount of time in which they need to sell their current home. Chances are your buyer can’t afford to be paying for two different homes. So you want to include some time in the clause for them to get their home sold, so they can purchase yours. This is usually a period of 4 to 6 weeks.
What We Offer
If you opt to complete your sale and repurchase with SilverBeam homes we can help provide a hassle-free process flow. With us, you don’t have to worry about listing with a realtor. We will offer a cash payment for your house and ensure a speedy closing process. If the funds from your home cannot cover the cost of your new home we can help you by putting you in touch with finance professionals to get the additional funds.
Contacts us today to recreate your reality and have a home that allows for the execution of our new normal.
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